"...if you ever try the sweet water from Vrana Lake, you shall surely return..."

The Musical evenings of Osor - this manifestation certainly presents the most significant traditional cultural manifestation on these islands and elsewhere. It has been held in continuation since 1976. The period in which it takes place is approximately from 15th July - 15th August. Along with the works of classical music by world famous authors, the works of Croatian componers are also performed. If you are a lover of classical music, you will experience wonderful moments in the pleasant atmosphere of Osor's cathedral during the Musical Evenings of Osor.

Besides Osor's Musical Evenings, there are also other cultural manifestations held such as "The Days of Music" in Mali Losinj, "Lubenice Evenings", guest performances of theatrical groups from Mali Losinj and Rijeka, and occasional independent concerts by Croatian interpreters of classical music.